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About Us

Hi there! We are the organizers of the SemEval 2025 - Task 2: EA-MT shared task. We are a group of researchers from different institutions who are passionate about advancing the state of the art in natural language processing (NLP) research. We are excited to bring you this shared task and look forward to your participation. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help you throughout the shared task!

Task Organizers

  • Simone Conia, Sapienza University of Rome: Simone is an Assistant Professor at Sapienza University of Rome. His research interests revolve around multilinguality and cross-linguality in NLP, with a focus on semantics and structured representations.
  • Min Li, Apple: Min is a Senior Machine Learning Engineer and Scientist at Apple. Her research interests include multilingual knowledge graphs, cross-lingual transfer learning, entity linking, and question answering.
  • Roberto Navigli, Sapienza University of Rome: Roberto is a Full Professor at Sapienza University of Rome and co-founder of Babelscape. His research interests include knowledge graphs and semantics, with a focus on word sense disambiguation, entity disambiguation and linking, semantic parsing, and multilingual NLP.
  • Saloni Potdar, Apple: Saloni is a Senior AIML Manager at Apple. She is passionate about building AI/ML systems that can understand and generate human language and leads a team of researchers and engineers working on Siri.